AlpCarnitin and AlpSport successfully listed on Cologne List

Nutrition supplements AlpCarnitin and AlpSport were successfully tested of not containing any anabolic substances to allow being used by professional athletes.

AlpCarnitin and AlpSport successfully listed on Cologne List


Both new products of AlpNutrition GmbH Germany, the AlpCarnitin and the AlpSport, are now officially listed on the „Cologne List“. Products on the „Cologne List“ have been tested against anabolic substances. This way athletes can reduce the risk of accidentally using nutrition products that contain substances that would result in an unintended positive doping test.

The company´s products „AlpSport“ und „AlpCarnitin“ are listed since today. Before listing both products have been tested for anabolic-steroids and stimulants without any findings.

AlpSport, lot no. 51846
AlpCarnitin, lot no. 51836

The Cologne List® database can be found here: AlpNutrition on Cologne List

The Cologne List® is a servicing of the Olympic Centre Rhineland.
An international study demonstrated that 15 percent of the analyzed supplements had been contaminated with anabolic-steroids. This may cause a positive doping test for athletes without knowing about it. The Cologne List includes nutritional supplements which are tested for doping substances. Anyone who uses products included in the Cologne List reduces the risk for a positive doping test. Even non-professional athletes benefit from these products as they minimize the risk for ingesting prohormones or stimulants with potential harmful side effects.
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AlpNutrition GmbH is a Germany based developer and producer of nutrition supplements with a natural basis of Swiss alp herbs and of very high quality.

AlpNutrition GmbH
Dr. Oliver Schnorr
Merowingerplatz 1
40225 Düsseldorf